having the understanding and discernment of yourself and your spouse.
rebuilding and healing what has been lost or broken through repentance and forgiveness.
actively pursing to uphold your vow to God and your spouse.
What is Marriage Arc
Finding safety through awareness, restoration and commitment in troubled waters.
A biblically based, Christian counseling experience for couples that provides a hothouse environment for accelerated growth.
We desire to see marriages that are strained and hurting brought back to a place of health, intimacy, love and trust. We seek to help couples gain awareness, restore first love and renew their commitment to Christ and to one another though the ARC process.
What it the ARC model
Marriage Counseling
Biblically Based
ARC stands for Awareness, Restoration and Commitment. This process is built upon Revelation 2:4-5. It provides a “hothouse” environment for accelerated growth where couples can gain awareness, restore first love and renew their commitment to Christ and to each other.
With the use of a Biblically based communication profile (Life Languages), our trained counselors, and additional tools, we equip couples with a healing process to resolve conflict in a healthy, respectful and loving way.
The process helps couples become aware of how far they have fallen from their first love and helps them restore and renew their commitment to the Lord and one another.
About Us
Who We are
Bob Setliff is a Board Certified Pastoral Counselor and Tiffany Wright is a Licensed Professional Counselor. They have combined 65 years experience counseling individual and couples . They both hold a coach’s certification in Life Languages communication profile and additional training and certifications.
They have a combined 82 years of marriage between them. They bring unique ways and a variety of skills to the Marriage ARC model. The two of them together use a collaborative approach to individualize and maximize the time frame provided for individual counseling, pre-martial counseling, mini intensives, intensives and enrichments.
*Premarital is available in all 3 settings
Marriage Intensive Program
The Marriage ARC intensive is a Biblically based Christian counseling experience for couples facing a crisis-moment in their marriage or suffering from years of disconnection and relationship decay.
It consists of a one-day retreat with trained counselors in a comfortable but professional setting designed to help slow your pace and minimize daily distractions as you walk through the ARC model process. The format consists of one couple and two counselors with an individualized plan to help gain awareness, heal hurts and recommit to one another. After the one-day experience, there will be a year of unique, concentrated follow-up with your counselors to help you stay on track and continue to grow in health.
* Prerequisite: Must have taken the Life Languages profile and had it interpreted by a certified coach.
Mini Intensive Program
The Marriage Mini-Intensive is a Biblically-based, Christian counseling experience for couples facing a crisis moment in their marriage or suffering from years of disconnect and relationship decay.
It consists of a 1/2 day retreat with trained counselors in a comfortable but professional setting designed to help slow your pace and minimize daily distractions as we walk through the ARC model process. The format is face-to-face with 1 couple and 2 counselors that includes an individualized plan to help gain awareness, heal hurts and recommit to one another. After the 1/2 experience, there will be a follow-up session to help you stay on track and continue to grow in health.
* Prerequisite: Must have taken the Life Languages profile and had it interpreted by a certified coach.
Enrichment Program
The Marriage Enrichment is a Biblically-based Christian counseling experience for couples who want to gain more awareness of self and spouse, enhance their communication skills, and learn healthy ways to resolve conflict and heal hurts.
It consists of a one-day group setting with other couples walking through the ARC process in an educational, practical and applicable process.
* Prerequisite: Must have taken the Life Languages profile and has it interpreted by a certified coach.